Energy & Power

Intelligent Wireless Power Monitoring Systems

Flexible, Reliable, Expandable
Build on and around a framework, designed from the outset to be flexible on many levels of data collection and information delivery to the customer.

Intelligent Networking
All the data collected is recorded and analysed against key data parameters. At the top level customers may just be satisfied with Traffic Light Health Status or possibly our H.A.R.T (Health And Reliability Target) system.

In addition, our machine learning engine can deliver predictive outcome data helping to drive your product development and maintenance schedules.

Core Systems
All our systems, sensors and services are designed and managed in the UK.

Security and data integrity are of paramount importance. Our customer relationship and feedback drives the innovation and the future path of our offerings.

Systems Support
Our sensors and connected systems are designed to work seamless and effortless with each other. Customer support is very important to us, we are never far, by email, by web or by phone.